Monday, January 21, 2008

which ones are best?

What do you think of these, friendly?

I know the top one's not as "teal", but I still kind of like it....thoughts?


jb said...

tough choice. all three are quite lovely but i think they each have a different feeling

#1 sexy, sassy latin ballroom dancer

#2 coquette, demure, modern french country (can that be??)

#3 garden party/simple bourgeois

i like one more than the others but i don't want to tell you until you tell me the "look" you are going for . . .

nic said...

gosh. I'm torn between the top two: why can't a girl be sexy, sassy, coquettish AND demure, all at once? I go back and forth between the two, honestly. What do you think....?

jb said...

ok, number 2 is my favorite because they look the most like you. number 1 is classic but 2 is a little more interesting and summery.

nic said...

I knew you were going to pick that one! And I think I agree with you....