Thursday, November 20, 2008

first of all i must apologize for being such a bad blogger these past couple weeks! i have had nothing worth writing about lately and haven't even been wandering the internet for inspiration. tryin' to keep myself on task and pop out this "baby" as soon as possible. once i get that out of the way i have a project that i want your help on (and maybe the boy's too). i'll compile the details (make a proposal) and get back to you.

anyway, here are a few photos from the sartorialist just for fun.

let's be students in paris some day . . .

i just really like this guy's boots . . .

Saturday, November 15, 2008

finally, a wine that understands us...

That's right, Recession Wines. I am not sure that anything can beat out three-buck-chuck for price, but these wine's have stolen my heart, just by their title! I found them on Jo's blog, and I think they will help us become fabulous "recessionistas" (new term, think I might love it...or it could be terribly dorky....thoughts?).

Monday, November 10, 2008


a better snapshot of the new 'do. what do you think?

A fun living much would I love to paint this on a wall?

I can't tell you how much I want this outfit~and yet, seem to own none of the requisite pieces! How does that happen?

I love this bedroom wall soooo much! I wanted to copy it in my new bedroom, but N.H. said he wants to wait until "we find something perfect"...ugh, you perfectionists..., I recreated it in my living room instead:

Thursday, November 6, 2008

i think we're gonna have to see this over thanksgiving . . .

Monday, November 3, 2008


So, found out about these on good ol' canadian radio. Thank God for LP's, no?