It snowed again today. Kind of nice weather for grading essays and doing a bit of writing. Today was one of those bitt-a cold days, the kind where you have to take a hot shower to get warm. I'm feeling quite spoiled by my MLK holiday, and I'm reluctant to jump in, feet first, to the rest of the week. Gosh, I sound like such a baby!
In other news, Jake has some artwork in an upcoming benefit show in A2. Wish you were here to be the belle of the ball with me. Would that make it belleS of the ball?

there is nothing i would like more than being the belle of the ball with you!
btw--please take pictures of jacob's debut . . . oh unless picture taking would ruin your cool, insider persona . . . as we know persona be it teacher or artist can be very important as well as fragile and dynamic . . .
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