Right about now you are probably chillin' with your dance peeps, and I'm in my pj's, writing lesson plans and handouts, livin' the dream. My uterus is singing and dancing right now. It was all I could do not to down six ibuprofin with a giant glass of white wine...but I'm deliriously happy. Really.
It's so amazing to me the amount of thought and focus that I am capable of devoting to my body. What a weird relationship we have with these complex organic machines! I actually found myself apologizing to my body for stressing it out so much lately. It actually seemed gratified. (Do I sound like a crazy person, talking about my body in the third person? I really have felt divorced from it, like it was separate from "me"...huh.)
So, you are like, the best person in the world....for posting those panties! In the spirit of friendship, I will post another snapshot of yours:
1 comment:
1. i am a brilliant photographer (obviously right?!)
2. that is just how we roll (i would like to buy those underwear but they might have ti be the next silk screen experiment)
3. it is good to apologize to your body--and certainly it was relieved/gratified. (so says the body-based therapist) the body knows things the mind does not . . .
{random--when i typed "spooky" above i was referring to the idea that your mind can be unaware of things you body knows, but i am such a nerd that the first thing that popped into my head was "hey, i think that was mulder's nickname in the x-files" i am such a dork sometimes.
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