lace makes me think of french restaurants. french restaurants make me think of france. we should really go back to france . . . when is your spring break?? i could take out some more student loan money . . .
We SHOULD go back to France...I was just longing for Europe last night, when Jake's mom told me that Rachel's new in-laws are sending them to Italy for their honeymoon....also, she's considering purple for her "reception" colors...whatever....
these pics are from jake's house--from last week. I found them on my camera and thought they were pretty...
lace makes me think of french restaurants. french restaurants make me think of france. we should really go back to france . . . when is your spring break?? i could take out some more student loan money . . .
btw--is that jacob's house? is that the window of the room we slept in that one time? are those pictures from today? the leaves are so green.
We SHOULD go back to France...I was just longing for Europe last night, when Jake's mom told me that Rachel's new in-laws are sending them to Italy for their honeymoon....also, she's considering purple for her "reception" colors...whatever....
these pics are from jake's house--from last week. I found them on my camera and thought they were pretty...
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