I am a bit breathless from charging up the 6 flights to my office. Whew. What a blustery day!
This morning I had a bit of a lie-in (i.e., I snoozed my alarm something fierce). And as I sat in the kitchen, waiting for the coffee to brew, I happened to glance outside and see these birch trees. The diffused, chilly light makes them so stark against the colored leaves...
I am feeling quite satisfied today. There is much work to be done--in the semester and in life--but I am feeling placid about it. As for the semester, I see the light at the end of the tunnel~students will turn in their second-to-last essays, I will grade and plug away at my own hefty research papers, all will get done, eventually. I will have time to read again in earnest, eventually.
Not that I'm not making time to read now. It is probably saving my life. And lists are my friends. And each day has enough *ahem* stuff...of it's own.
I wish I was exercising and taking dance classes with you instead of sitting on my fat ass, jerking my fingers up and down for hours....a fat ass and carpal tunnel is all I'll get for my trouble!
p.s. Puddy says 'hi'...
1 comment:
hmmm, is breathless ever a good feeling? maybe. certainly good things lead to breathlessness (a great workout, a great piece of art, a tall drink of coffee). but the good, perhaps the serotonin rush, comes in the moment of catching one's breath. realization, cognizance, et al.
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