so, i think i used to be an email genius. really, take a minute and remember all of my conquests . . .
damn crafty writing, if i do say so myself.
but something shifted. it's not as easy, i'm not as good, it's just a different feeling. a small list is running through my mind as to what effected the change (don't ask me what inspired this blog topic!!) . . .
here is my psychoanalysis ( i am very curious to know what you think).
i will speculate that all of my crafty writing got me nowhere, well nowhere i wanted to be. nowhere stable. i entered the hearts of people whose hearts i was not really interested in. my heart was bruised, perhaps a little torn (might still be a little sore). so maybe i am subconsciously suppressing my genius as a mode of self protection. hide the true self to avoid rejection is a classic story . . .
what do you think?

I've been thinking about it all day...I think that you are probably right. That, and you may just be tired of toying with the lesser-brained. You're ready to meet your match?
I don't really know. I do admire the evil genius, and am a little sad to see her go. But if it was time, I'll have to accept that.
a moment of silence...
m mmm mmmm, i don't want the evil genius to go either. funny, i didn't mean for this topic to be so serious but i have hit something . . . i have to figure out what is bothering me!
what is the real issue (says the therapist) . . .
blah. having trouble articulating.
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