Monday, November 12, 2007


Good morning, friend. Happy Monday!

I just wanted to post a little salute to creativity: le chaim! er, to creativity....I'm dreaming of a life of painting in Monmartre, or of running away to join a dance troupe, to live the life of Picasso's sad little saltimbanques...

Maybe I forgot to tell you: I had a lovely creativity-time in Writer's Group saturday~we painted and collaged our way through our current projects. It was deliriously messy and fun. Now, I'm sitting in the writing center, waiting for a meeting to start, listening to my friend read Chuck Norris jokes to bide the time.

God, I love this job.

1 comment:

jb said...

awe. you're so cute! tell me more about this creative experience. how did it inspire you? what was the process? tell me!

oh, or you could tell me another chuck norris joke.