I just got home and finished leaving you a message about how I had an intense afternoon of missing you. It might have started when I made myself coffee this morning, and grabbed my DIA coffee mug. I am jealous of your perfect cup of coffee, and I want to go to the DIA with you.
yesterday i randomly had the thought that if i ever have a daughter i would name her elanor. partly because of the elanor of toledo painting and partly for unknown reasons. then i had your elanor song stuck in my head.
hehe--awesome. I was actually musing about children-naming yesterday as well. My thoughts were more along the lines of how I used to be all about "Biblical names" and now I'm not so sure. I always want names to have a "meaning", maybe that's why I was so un-originally hooked on the bible-thing....but that is one of my highest aesthetic values....I love your idea for elanor--i fully support that as a name choice for your future kid.
p.s. as I made coffee today, I realized with alarmingly clarity that I am SO GLAD I don't have kids....like, profoundly glad. Guess that means I'm not ready for them, huh?
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