saw it. loved it. in a word: fabulous.
you must go see it.
The funny thing about SATC, is that it is wholly confusing to males. It totally escapes them that a show/film about women who are friends and who also talk about sex is actually an anomaly--and empowering for females. Anywhoo, it was a delightful love story--with fabulous shoes! Also, a movie that I must see with you (no exceptions!) is the new Baz Luhrmann, Australia. The *preview* made me cry. Damn you, Baz, and your sweepingly poetic and gorgeously pathos-ridden ways!!!

SATC dazzled me with fashion. It was a panoply of shapes and colors and textures manifest in clothing, and it made me want to dance. I wish that I could've found for you a picture of a particular blue dress that SJP's character wears in the film. I made my jaw ache it was so great. I went a search for it, and found this Vivienne Westwood cape instead...it is indeed, the cat's meow.

Also in my searches, I found that Yves Saint Laurent has passed away. This pic is from a tribute to his 'legacy', which includes helping to give Tyra Banks her start (which I guess I can forgive him for). The image was so artful in a 60's, avante-guarde, Holly Golightly kind of way, I just had to post it.
love to you--see you Saturday!
1 comment:
awe i'm glad you saw it and loved it! k & i are gonna try and see it on sunday (it it ok to watch fashiony movies while sweaty and wearing dance clothes??)
lately i have been torn between wanting to wear jeans and a black shirt every day or actually wearing outfits . . . classic question. anyway, today i actually bought a cute little dress that is fashionable enough and comfortable enough . . . oh, and it came with a lovely little waist high belt. so cute.
. . . i want to be a fashion plate. i want to be someone's muse . . . is there any hope of that?? not sure.
final random thought--now that i know i am living in this apt and will have four times the closet space once kristine moves out it's becoming harder and harder not to go shopping . ..
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