so, i love gmail but this could be google's attempt at taking over the world . . .
they claim that you can send emails from a "customized time". so if i forgot your birthday i could send you an email dated feb17th . . . plus i can mark it "read" so i can "prove" to you that i never forgot at all!! your students could email assignments after they are due but they will pop into your inbox as though they promptly arrived when they were supposed to.
i could email my thesis a week late but date it as though i met the deadline . . .hmmm.
gmail has put some limits on this power though. so as not to mess with the laws of physics (don't want the world to implode because time ceases to matter) you can't send a message dated before gmail existed (2004). and you can only send 10 custom dated emails a year.
sorta crazy, unethical and certainly tricky
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