damn. except that I forgot to turn in this:

Yes. a packet of evaluations for my research methods class. Was supposed to turn it in for my prof. oops. Hope they except late ones!
Am extremely proud of myself for grading this:

...in one day. Good work, Nicole. Make yourself a martini!

"ok! I will!!!" And I will hide mysteriously behind my hoodie as I am photographed!"

wish you were here!
1 comment:
but wait i am there . . .
1. i can't believe you graded that giant pile of stuff! (makes me feel bad for all the shit i have turned in to teachers just to fill the space . . .i guess they actually have to read that stuff . . .)
2. ugh, can't remember what two was . . . oh yeah, i like that you have four olives in that very dirty martini of yours! the new game we play at porte rouge is "what would you stuff olives with?" goal is to come up with the most odd/awful combination. the reigning champions are marzipan and pop-rocks.
i'm so glad we had our date tonight. i feel calm and happy and sated--and it's not from the wine! i have been giving away time to so many less worthy causes than you my friend so it is certainly nice to spend time on you my friend!
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