as always, i wish you were here. then i wouldn't have to send you this blog telling you how incredible the band was last night, 'cause you would have been there with me . . .
anyway, 'plants and animals' left me speechless. only you will understand this but they are like 'the questions' but really really good!! (not that the questions aren't good, but they have a little too much crazy whereas these guys have the perfect balance of crazy, passion, costumes, skill and soul. can you imagine drew a little more focused and conventional--same passion, just as cute but controlled).
the stage was set up in a happy egalitarian way(drummer was front and center) and the guys had such smooth interactions with each other (as a performer i am addicted to watching how other performing groups work together . . .always in search of the perfect communal artist structure . . . but now i'm rambling)
their set was great. honestly a seamless mix of art school, garage rock and neo folkness. but the best part of the show (the part where i seriously contemplated calling you and just holing up my phone so you could listen) was when they came back on stage for a quasi-encore and played a cover of sinnerman. oh nic, you know i am not a fruity music person, but it took me to another place. it was striking. i am in love.
here is there myspace. i think you will like them.

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