Monday, October 27, 2008
morocco, i want to go to morocco. it doesn't quite fit into our plan but ever since my peace corps attempt i can't shake the desire to go there . . .
other complete randomness . . .
i love the fact that my family fully embraces halloween despite the fact that a few years ago it was shunned as a holiday--mainly i like that they are making their own choices and not just doing what their church peeps tell them.
venus zine totally stole my halloween costume!! they gave four suggestions for low budget h-ween costumes and edie sedgwick wsa one of them!! guess i will jsut have to be marianne faithful this year!!
barack is 47 years old. need i say more?
yeah, that's all i've got for today. this post was pretty much as random as i was on the phone yesterday--perhaps i have been talking to too many 3 year olds!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
dreaming of europe

these pics from serge guerand's website. pour yourself a cup of coffee and settle down to daydream...

read more here
Friday, October 17, 2008
Ink for a good cause
(article is from venus)
Ink for a good cause
The Healing Art Foundation and Tats for a Cure™ help breast cancer survivors embrace their beauty through tattoos
By Selena Fragassi
Published: October 10th, 2008 | 4:10pm
Monica Louise Terrazas was only 41 years old when she lost her battle to breast cancer in January 2001. A caring wife, devoted mother of four, and successful CEO of a California-based mortgage company, her passing came all too soon for family and friends and marked the beginning of an especially dramatic year for cousin France Garcia.
While still mourning Terrazas' loss, "things just got worse," Garcia says. "I was working as a high impact designer in the adult industry when I was injured and told I could not use my right hand or arm to design anymore. Then, my husband Al (aka "TatDude"), suffered a major heart attack at the age of 34."
With both her graphic arts career and her husband's tattoo profession in jeopardy, "I needed a way to take control back of my life," Garcia says. So, as she and her husband recovered together, they were inspired by an idea that would combine their talent of visual arts with their newfound passion for helping breast cancer survivors.
What developed was called The Healing Art Foundation, a not-for-profit charity set up in memory of Terrazas that combined a two-tiered approach of services for survivors and education for others at risk. Through its Tats for a Cure™ initiative, the organization pays for alternative options like tattoos, permanent make-up, areola re-pigmentation, and piercings for survivors living with the scars of devastating surgeries. The Save the Boobies™ campaign provides awareness and prevention through monthly exam promotions and knowledge of a less talked about strain called inflammatory breast cancer that generally presents itself at a younger age.
"Starting the charity for Monica was therapy for me, both spiritually and physically," Garcia says. "Not only did it help me deal with her loss, but in the process, I taught myself how to do my graphic arts with my left hand."
In time, Garcia would not only master command of her non-dominant hand, but would also gain strength in her right hand by learning the art of tattooing. "It was something I always wanted to do," she says, "but now I get to tattoo cancer survivors, which is just awesome."
Providing the service is something Garcia prides herself on because it helps her give survivors the opportunity to take back control of their bodies. "It's a way of saying 'Fuck You!' to cancer — 'It's my body and I decide what I can do!'" she says. "We offer options for survivors that insurance and medical treatments normally don't. What we provide is an alternative to reconstructive surgery that also helps with the healing process because survivors can actually get tattoos to represent what they've gone through and their spirit seems to be lifted tremendously by being able to express that."
One example Garcia provides is a woman by the name of Amy Shaw. "Amy actually has the largest piece we've provided," says Garcia. "She has a pink ribbon that wraps around her shoulders and comes to the front of her chest, covering the area where she lost both of her breasts. It's a symbol of the breast cancer ribbon, but it has the hands of God coming down and hugging her. Inside are details of her life, details of her children — everything that means a lot to her, she can be reminded of every day instead of looking at a scar."
Through the efforts of Garcia and her husband, the mission and outreach of The Healing Art Foundation has vastly expanded. This April marks the foundation's 2nd Annual Tats & Arts for a Cure Convention at the Los Angeles Convention Center, which will also include a benefit walk. Other initiatives include tours and compilation CDs that have included the participation of such heavyweights as the Red Hot Chili Peppers and TSOL, plus a variety of merchandise and PSAs that have helped both to publicize their efforts and fund the costly cosmetic services.
"Our shop, Tatdude's Healing Art Studio, is the main sponsor," Garcia says. "Whenever the funding gets low, we step in. But we greatly need donations since we want to ensure that the tattoos we supply for survivors are always quality."
Through others' generosity, the Garcias are able to continue spreading the message about the value of prevention and the cost of losing a life like Terrazas'. "Just do me a favor," says Garcia. "Look at your breasts every day and make sure they're okay, because we don't want to lose any more people."
For more information, visit,, and
Monday, October 13, 2008
organic grafitti

I had to post these for you, found via a link on halcyon days' blog. Check out the rest of the images here.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
here is a posting that i thought needed to be shared with you . . .
best of craigslist > boston > Why Spongebob Squarepants is the perfect girl for me. Originally Posted: Sat, 16 Aug 00:34 EDT
Why Spongebob Squarepants is the perfect girl for me.
Date: 2008-08-16, 12:34AM EDT
I wrote this a few weeks ago, and I wasn’t sure what to do with it, or perhaps what to make of myself. This looks like the place. Here you go Craigslisters, I present my arguments, in bullet form, why Spongebob Square pants is the perfect girl.
1. He’s low maintenance. No matter what happens to him, he never needs validation from anyone, for anything. He never asks Patrick to tell him who he is, never uses his friction with Squidward to bolster his own ego. All his energy is focused outward, albeit usually with mixed (and hilarious) results. He never complains about those results either, just trudges ahead with blind, infectious optimism.
2. He’s a good cook. In fact, he makes unquestionably the best burger in Bikini Bottom. People come from everywhere to the Crab Shack for one of his Crabby Patties. How rare is a girl who can cook, and enjoys it?
3. He lives in a pineapple. Imagine having crazy sex in a giant pineapple. All that gooey, sweet, sugary awesomeness providing both full body lubrication and a certain fun kinkiness. Sex inside almost anything else wouldn’t be anywhere as much fun. An orange would sting. A tomato would stain. While we’re on the subject, do you want variety in your lovin? He’s got HUNDREDS of holes, and he’s not shy about himself or hung up in any way. He also plays dress up. Weekly. And usually twice on Saturday mornings.
4. He’s comfortable with his job. Mr. Crab pays him shit and he cares, never bitches. Never comes home and says to his pet snail “if that dude Squidward don’t get off my ass, I’m gonna kill him!” The pineapple is a harmonious place because Spongebob checks that shit at the door.
5. He manages his emotions. We’ve all seen Spongebob flip out. We’ve all seen chicks flip out. The difference is that Spongebob Squarepants STAYS FOCUSED. He may explode. His eyes may shrivel up like raisins. He might pull off his own legs and arms and beat himself with them in total panic and frustration. He never loses sight of what he’s flipping out ABOUT, though. Every girl I’ve ever met starts out being mad about the dish I just broke, or the amount of beer I may have drunk at her family reunion (we all need help through the hard times, my Lord, my Lord) but 15 minutes later it’s why haven’t we bought a house yet, why aren’t I home more, why aren’t I home less, why aren’t I more communicative, and what about those boobs I was staring at back in May of 2002. Do ya feel me, boys?
6. He’s devoted. Patrick is an idiot, but he finds a way to relate and have fun. Mr. Crabs is a jerk, but he gets past it and has a healthy work ethic. He’s maintained a healthy platonic relationship with a displaced female squirrel. Even Squidward, despite all his efforts to the contrary, has a neighbor he can count on any time day or night. (Aside: Squidward is a douche bag for not recognizing this)
7. He knows how to have a good time. Boy does he ever. He likes eating contests, farts, TV, singing, hiking, playing with his body, sports (did you see the snail race? better than Hoosiers), and just generally acting stupid and laughing about it. I’m telling you, he’s got to be totally awesome to hang out with.
8. He’s comfortable with his body. So he’s not the ideal shape. He’s a square. But he never complains. You’ll never hear the phrase “height-weight proportional” uttered from those yellow lips (anyway his height-weight proportion is geometrically perfect, a fact which I am sure can be proven mathematically). He don’t give a shit. He just buys the right clothes (square) and looks great and that’s the end of it. No endless questioning about why the universe shaped him the way he is. No internal battles. Just a simple square man with a healthy simple outlook.
9. He’s a virgin (I’d bet). You say experience means everything? I say bullshit. Comfort and communication trump experience every time. Working at your sex life is only possible in a situation dominated by these two traits and amplified by a sense of adventure. Spongebob has always demonstrated these characteristics. Now, what do you want? A willing accomplice or the trick somebody else taught?
10. He doesn’t drink, smoke or do drugs. Actually, I do enjoy the occasional cocktail or cigarette, and as you may have guessed, I have been known to puff it down a little and watch shows like, say, Spongebob Squarepants (WTF, what did you do this morning that was so important, Mr. Smartypants?), but the thing about our man Bob is that theses things don’t rule his life, and couldn’t you just imagine that first date at a bar? Somehow the idea of kicking two shots of Makers Mark back with Spongebob Squarepants is totally mesmerizing. You think he’d sit there and bitch about his exes? No way. He’s much more a load up the jukebox and kick up his heels on the bar kind of guy. He’ll take his lumps for it (case in point, the Motorhead bar in the movie, where the fascist biker dudes kick his ass but he comes out grinning) but I bet the night would be hilarious. Imagine him pulling in a big drag and blowing it out all his orifices. Imagine him talking to that drunken barfly you always see and making that old bitch laugh. You’d get to do all this shit with him for the first time.
11. He demonstrates good parenting skills. Did you see the episode where Spongebob and Patrick find a lost baby scallop and decide to raise it as their own? No?!? Well, allow me to elucidate. Patrick takes on the male role and he sucks at it. He sneaks off all day and night to watch TV at home while Spongebob, as the mother figure (complete with apron and heels), holds the family together. He does all the cooking, cleaning and baby-raising, all the while carrying an admittedly strained smile on his face. Not to say I’m looking for a wife to do it all and let me watch TV (um, hmm), it’s just that he demonstrates such strength and good humor. The episode ends with a happy, well-adjusted scallop flying off (?) into the sea-sky and a presumably happy well-adjusted scallop life. It’s not that Spongebob might make a good mom. Spongebob is a good mom.
I’m sure you all are going to think I am a pedophile (why? Because I happen to be a little bit in love with a 6 year old boy cartoon character?) I’m sure you’ll all write me and tell me what a misogynistic jerk I am (just substitute the words “girl” for “boy” and “boy” for “girl” throughout and I’m sure my argument applies cross-genderally. There. Feel better, huge bull dykes with nothing better to do?) I’m sure I’ve sabotaged my e-mail account, but I wanted to do it. I’m in love, and people in love do and say stupid shit.
- Location: Bikini Bottom
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests